School Diary

Students must carry the school diary to school on every working day. Parents are requested to check the school diary regularly for important notifications from the school and teachers. The school diary must be preserved properly at all times because it is an important mode of communication between parents and the school. In case of loss of school diary, a new one will be provided to the students against a fine of rupees 200 which has to be paid at the school office.

School Uniform

Students must follow the dress code of the school strictly on all working days, special or remedial classes days and on occasions they represent the school in external competitions and functions. They must come to school in neat, proper and complete uniform. Non-compliance may lead to the student being sent back home after parents are duly informed.

It is compulsory for every student to wear the following approved uniforms.


Balvatika I, II and III

Boys: checked half sleeve shirt, beige half pant, white socks, black shoes.

Girls: Checked pinafore, white socks, black shoes, black hair band/clips.

Class I to V

Boys: Blue striped full/half sleeve shirt, blue half pant, tie, belt specified by the school, white socks(half), black shoes.

Girls: Blue striped half sleeve shirt, blue skirt with black belt, white socks (half), black shoes, black hair band for short hair, black rubber band for long hair.

Class VI to XII

Boys: Blue striped full/half sleeve shirt, blue full pant, tie, black belt, white socks(half), black shoes.

Girls: Blue striped half sleeve shirt, tie, blue skirt with black belt, white socks (half), black shoes, black hair band for short hair, black rubber band for long hair.


Balvatika I, II and III

Boys: Maroon pullover, checked full sleeve shirt, beige full pant, white socks, black shoes.

Girls: Maroon pullover, beige full pant, checked full sleeve shirt, black hair band, white socks, black shoes.

Class I to V:

Boys: Half sweater and blazer, blue full pant, tie, belt specified by the school, blue striped full sleeve shirt, white socks (half), black shoes.

Girls: Blue striped full sleeve shirt, blue skirt with black belt, half sweater, blazer, black shoes, white stocking, black hair band or rubber band. Blue pants, white socks(half).

Class VI to XII

Boys: Blue striped full sleeve shirt, blue full pant, half sweater, blazer, black shoes, white socks half, tie, belt specified by the school. No special hairstyle allowed.

Girls: Blue striped full sleeve shirt, tie, blue skirt with belt specified by the school, white stocking, black shoes, half sweater, blazer, black hair band or rubber band. No ponytail but neatly tied hairs.


Classes I to V:

Boys: White track pant (with house colour on both sides), white colour T-shirt (with house colour on collar and sleeves), white socks, white canvas shoes (keds).

Girls: White colour T-shirt (with house colour on collar and sleeves), White track pant (with house colour on both sides), white socks (half), white stockings, white canvas shoes (keds) white hair band for short hair or black rubber band for long hair.

Classes VI to XII:

Boys: House colour T-shirt (with house colour on collar and sleeves), White track pant (with house colour on both sides), white socks (half), white canvas shoes (keds).

Girls: House colour T-shirt (with house colour on collar and sleeves), White track pant (with house colour on both sides), white socks (half), white canvas shoes (keds), white hair band for short hair or black rubber band for long hair.


Students must be disciplined and well-mannered and must be respectful towards teachers office and support staff. 

Students are to converse in English only inside the school campus, at school events and inside school bus or vehicles. 

Unruly behaviour in the school bus or vehicle may lead to cancellation of bus facility by the school authorities to the concerned students. 

Damaging of school property will be dealt with strictly and a fine will be imposed or parents of the concerned students will have to replace the damaged item or get the necessary repair work done.

The library, laboratories are resource centres which foster enhanced learning and students must be disciplined at all times in these places, instructions of teachers in the laboratories must be strictly followed.

Acts of indiscipline may lead to a student being prohibited to use the library or laboratories for a certain period of time as decided by the principal. Student of class IX to XII will not be allowed to enter the laboratories without lab coat (having the school monogram) and other accessories as specified by the school.

Damage to laboratory equipment will incur payment of fines (as per the cost of repair or price of the same item.)

Students will not be allowed to use the library without the library card. Loss of issued books or magazines will have to be reported in writing to the school by the concerned parents and they will have to either reimburse the amount of the lost books or replace the same with new ones within 15 days. In case of damage of library books parents of concerned students have to either arrange for mending the books or pay a fine as per decision of the school.


Students must attend the school regular and ensure that they have attendance of at least 80% in every academic session. CBSE norms will be strictly followed in case of all students of classes 9 to 12 to be eligible for CBSE board examination.

Parents must send leave notes in the school diary in the space provided only, as and when applicable. In case of long leave, formal written application is to be submitted to the school office in advance for the principal’s sanction.

Parents must submit a medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner only in case of medical leaves. Parents are advised not to send their words to school in case of illness or infectious diseases on regular school days all functions or examinations.

No student will be allowed early departure except in emergency cases and only at the discretion of the principal.

Parents must encourage their wards to participate in school functions and join educational trips organized by the school. All must comply to school instructions for mandatory attendance at any event or working day.

Students must attend school on days before assessments in order to benefit from the revision and remedial classes. Attendance on the first and last working day of each term is mandatory.

Unexplained absence for more than a week, irregular attendance, habitual late coming or not reporting for any school event after being selected as a participant or objectionable behaviour in school or at any school program outside the school premises but in school uniform may lead to strict disciplinary action including expulsion from the school in serious cases.

Use of foul language and unruly behaviour in the school campus or school vehicles and at school events, carrying objectionable items to school will lead to very strict disciplinary action including expulsion from the school.

Mobile phones and smart watches are not allowed in the school premises and for any special consideration, the parents have to inform the school in writing and take prior permission. Mobile phones and smart watches if confiscated will be handed over to the parents only and after a fine of rupees 100 is paid at the school office.

Bullying is strictly prohibited in the school campus or school vehicles or school events and educational trips organized by the school.

Parents are advised to explain the importance of the code of conduct to their wards and cooperate with the school in instilling good values in all students. Plucking of flowers and damage to the plants in the school premises are strictly prohibited and will be dealt with strictly.


We thank you for reposing faith in us and admitting your word in our school. Our successful and cooperative partnership will help in our endeavours to nurture the children into word the citizens of the global family.

Keep the school informed about change of address or contact numbers or e-mail ID’s and submit the new details in writing to the school office.

Let us know in writing about any medical history of your wards which you think is important for the school to know. In case of any medical emergency occurring in the school campus or vehicle or trip or event, the school will do its utmost to ensure the well-being of students and after informing the parents will do the needful as per the demands of the situation. However please understand that the school or its staff will not be responsible for any unfortunate or emergency situation arising during the course of medical treatment by the concerned hospital or medical practitioner.

Kindly cooperate with us in maintaining an orderly atmosphere in the school which will add to the conducive learning environment. Please ensure that your ward reaches school on time and is collected in time after dispersal.

Please submit all applications as per guidance of the school office staff and be patient with us at all times.

Lines of communication between the school and the parents are easy and open, your requests or grievances will get a proper hearing, kindly cooperate with us. We look forward to a fruitful association and wonderful journey ahead.

NOTE: Change of demographic date including date of birth of Parents and Students are not permissible after registration in class IX and XI. You are directed to change the date carefully during the registration procedure in class IX and XI.