SI No. | Subject | APR | MAY | JUN | JULY | AUG | SEP |
1 | ENGLISH CORE | Flamingo : The Last Lesson, Lost Spring, My Mother at Sixty Six (poem) Writing Skill : Notice , Invitation & Replies | Vistas - The Third level ,Tiger king, SUMMER VACATION | Flamingo - Deep Water (prose), Vistas - The Enemy, Journey to the End of the Earth Writing Skill - Application for Job | Vistas : The Enemy (Continued), On the Face of It Flamingo:The Rattrap - (prose) , A Thing of Beauty (poem) |
FLAMINGO - A Roadstand stand (poem) , Aunt Jennifer's Tigers (poem) , Indigo ASL | MOCK TEST 1 |
2 | BENGALI | গদ্য -কে বাঁচায় কে বাঁচে, কবিতা - আমি দেখি, ব্যাকরণ- বাগধারা ও প্রবাদ প্রবচন | কবিতা- আমি দেখি, আমার বাংলা -( গারো পাহাড়ের নীচে) | কবিতা - পড়তে জানে এমন এক মজুরের প্রশ্ন, নাটক - নানা রঙের দিন, ধ্বনিতত্ত্ব - অপিনিহিতি, অভিশ্রুতি,স্বরভক্তি, স্বরসঙ্গতি, বোধ পরীক্ষণ, Listening Skill | গদ্য - ভাত, নাটক - নানা রঙের দিন,নির্মিতি - প্রতিবেদন পাঠ, Speaking Skill Test | কবিতা - ক্রন্দনরতা জননীর পাশে, রূপনারানের কূলে, গদ্য - ভারতবর্ষ, আমার বাংলা- ছাতির বদলে হাতি, বিজ্ঞাপন লিখন, Final Listening Skill Assessment | আমার বাংলা -মেঘের গায়ে জেলখানা, Final Speaking Skill Assessment |
3 | HINDI CORE | गद्य- भक्तिन , काव्य खंड- आत्मपरिचय, गद्य-विभिन्न माध्यमों के लिए लेखन,अप्रत्यशित लेखन | गद्य- बाजार दर्शन, काव्य खंड-एक गीत, पतंग | गद्य- पत्रकारीय लेखन के विभिन्न रूप और लेखन प्रक्रिया, पद्य- काले मेघा पानी दे । वितान-Ch-1 सिल्वर वैडिंग, | काव्य खंड- कविता के बहाने, बात सीधी थी पर ,गद्य- पहलवान की ढोलक, गद्य- विशेष लेखन स्वरूप और प्रकार | गद्य- कैमरे में बंद अपाहिज, पद्य- उषा, गद्य- कैसे बनती है कविता, नाटक लिखने का व्यकारण, गद्य-जूझ | गद्य-- कैसे लिखे कहानी,काव्य खंड-बादल राग, कवितावली , शिरीष के फूल, |
4 | MATHEMATICS | Ch. 1: Relation & Function Ch.2: Inverse Trigonometric Function Ch. 3: Matrices Ch. 4: Determinants |
Ch.5: Continuity and Differentiability (Contd) |
Ch.5: Continuity and Differentiability Ch.6: Application of Derivatives | Ch.7: Integrals Ch. 8: Application of Integrals |
Ch. 9: Differential Equations Ch. 12: Linear Programming Ch. 10: Vector Algebra(Contd) |
Ch. 10: Vector Algebra |
5 | PHYSICS | Ch 1:- Electric Charges and Fields Ch 2:- Electric Potential & Capacitance. |
Ch 2:- Electric Potential & Capacitance. |
Ch 3:-Current Electricity. Ch 4:- Magnetic Effect of Current. |
Ch 4:- Magnetic Effect of Current. Ch 5:- Magnetism |
Ch 6:-Electro-magnetic induction Ch 7:- Alternating Current. |
Ch 7:- Alternating Current. Ch 8:- Electromagnetic Waves. |
6 | CHEMISTRY | Ch 1: Solutions, Ch 2: Electrochemistry |
Ch 2: Electrochemistry , Ch 3: Chemical kinetics |
Ch 3: Chemical kinetics, Ch 6: Haloalkanes and haloarenes |
Ch 6: Haloalkanes and haloarenes, Ch 7: Alcohols phenols ethers |
Ch 8: Aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acid, Ch 9: Amines |
Ch 9: Amines, Ch 10: Biomolecules |
7 | BIOLOGY | Ch 2 Sexual Reproduction in flowering plants Ch 3 Human reproduction |
Ch 4 Reproductive health Ch 5 Heredity and Variation |
Ch 5 Principles of inheritance and variation |
Ch 6 Molecular basis of inheritance |
Ch 7 Evolution Ch 8 Human health and diseases |
Ch 19 Microbes and Human welfare |
8 | ACCOUNTANCY | "Part A:Unit 1 Accounting for partnership firm: Fundamentals" |
"Part A:Unit 1 Accounting for partnership firms: Reconstitution and Dissolution" |
Part A:Unit 1 Accounting for partnership firms: Reconstitution and Dissolution |
Part A:Unit 1 Accounting for partnership firms: Reconstitution and Dissolution |
Part A:Unit 2 Accounting for companies |
Part A:Unit 2 Accounting for companies+Mock test |
9 | BUSINESS STUDIES | 1.Nature and significance of management |
2.Principles of management |
3.Business Environment 4.Planning |
5.Organising 6.Staffing |
7.Directing 8.Controlling |
9.Financial Management+Mock test 1 |
10 | INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY | Communication Skills- IV ICT Skills IV JAVA |
Self Management Skill JAVA |
Data Base Concepts Java |
SQL JAVA Operating Web Based Applications Self-Management Skills- IV |
Revision |
11 | GEOGRAPHY | Ch 1 Human Geography- Nature and scope (Bk-1) Ch 2 The World Population Distribution, Density and Growth (Bk-1) Ch 1 Population: Distribution, Density, Growth and Composition(Bk-2) |
Ch-4.Human Settlements (Bk-2) Ch 1 Population: Distribution, Density, Growth and Composition(Bk-2)... contd Practical Ch 1 Data-Its Source and Compilation |
Ch 4 Human Development (Bk-1) Ch-5.Primary Activities (Bk-1) Practical Ch 1 Data-Its Source and Compilation...contd |
Ch-5 Land Resources and Agriculture (Bk-2) Ch-6 Water Resources (Bk-2) Ch-6.Secondary Activities (Bk-1) Practical Ch 2 Data Processing (Central Tendencies) |
Ch-7.Mineral & Energy Resources (Bk-2) Ch-6.Secondary Activities (Bk-1)...contd Ch-7.Tertiary & Quaternary Activities (Bk-1) |
Ch-7.Tertiary & Quaternary Activities (Bk-1) |
12 | HISTORY | Ch:-1:-Bricks, Bead and Bones:-The Harappan Civilization, Ch:2:-Kings, Farmers and Towns |
Ch:-2:-Kings, Farmers and Towns |
Ch:3:-Kinship, Caste And Class:- The Early Societies |
Ch:-4:-Thinkers , Beliefs and Buildings, Ch:-5;-Through The Eyes Of Travellers: Perceptions Of Society |
Ch:-6: Bhakti –Sufi Traditions, Ch:-7: An Imperial Capital Vijayanagar |
Ch:-8:- Peasants, Zamindars And The States: Agrarian Society and The Mughal Empire |
13 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Functions Revison tour to Python I,II |
Function Exception Handling DataBase Concepts |
SQL Data File Handling Data Communication Technologies |
SQL Data File Handling Transmission Medium |
SQL Data File Handling Network devices Network topologies & Network types Network protocol CSV File Handling |
Revision |
14 | ECONOMICS | PartA- Ch2- Money and Banking ; Ch3- Government Budget and the Economy | PartB- Ch1- Indian Economy on the eve of Independence; Ch2- Indian Economy (1950-1991) | PartA:Ch1:- National Income and Related Aggregates; PartB- Ch3-Economic Reforms since 1991 | PartA:Ch1:- National Income (contd) | PartA: Ch3- Determination of Income and Employment PartB: Ch5- Human Capital Formation in India: Ch6- Rural Development |
Revision for Mock test 1 |
15 | POLITICAL SCIENCE | PART A An overview of Cold War Era Ch 1 End of Bipolarity Ch 2 Contemporary Centres of Power Ch 3 Contemporary South Asia | PART A Ch 3 Contemporary South Asia(contd) PART B Ch 1 Challenges of Nation Building | PART B Ch 2 Era of One Party Dominance Ch 3 Politics of Planned Development Ch 4 India's External Relations PART A Ch 4 International Organisations | PART A Ch 4 International Organisations(contd) PART B Ch 5 Challenges to and restoration of the Congress system PART B Ch 6 Crisis of democratic order. | PART B Ch 6 Crisis of democratic order. Ch 7 Regional Aspirations | PART B Ch 7 Regional Aspirations(contd), Revision for MT 1 |
16 | PSYCHOLOGY | THEORY :- Chapter 2 :-Personality ,Practical:- Self Concept | THEORY :-Chapter 4:- Psychological Disorders, Practical:- Anxiety and Adjustment SUMMER VACATION | Summer vacation .Ch 4 disorders will be continued | Ch 3:- Meeting life challenges Periodic Test 1 | Ch 3:- Meeting life challenges continued and Ch 1 intelliegence | Ch 1:-Intelligence cond + MOCK TEST 1 |
17 | MUSIC | Syllabus Detailing Choice Raga (Vilambit and Drut Khayal) with simple elaborations in prescribed Ragas (anyone) Bhairav | Reciting the Thekas of Prescribed Talas with hand beats with Thah and Dugun and Chaugun Jhaptaal | Tuning of Tanpura and questions regarding it | Choice Raga (Vilambit and Drut Khayal) with simple elaborations in prescribed Ragas (anyone) Bagesree | One Tarana and one Dhamar with dugun and Chaugun | Reciting the Thekas of Prescribed Talas with hand beats with Thah and Dugun and Chaugun Rupak |